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Grilled chili fish


Spanish Churros

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Eggplant box – 烤茄盒

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Mung bean cakes

imageMung bean cake is a traditional Chinese dessert. The main ingredient, mung bean or sometimes called as green mung bean is a common and daily ingredient in Chinese cooking. In traditional Chinese medicine, those little green beans have a cold property, which can further help to protect our body from hot temperature in summer. Personally, I love various recipes made with mung beans or related ingredients. The mung bean cake is also a perfect match with Chinese tea. Its sweet flavor goes perfect with the tea flavor. I have made two versions of mung bean cakes this time. One batch of the cakes are custard yellow while the other batch is matcha green (reproduce the green color of the cake).

Thai sweet chili meatballs


I bought some ribs last week to make the sweet and sour ribs. But there are too much meat attached on the rib. Well, it is good generally speaking; but not good for making the sweet and sour ribs. The sweet and sour ribs needs spare ribs which have less meat attached on the ribs. So my mum cut the extra meat from the rib, and cut those extra meat to pork minces. I then get the idea to make meatballs. And instead of the general Chinese recipe for meatballs (the meatball soup), I decided to make a Thai style meatball dish.

Almond Pound Cake

Tried a new dessert yesterday – the almond pound cake. Almost all coffee shops sell pound cake slices, and friends told me that the pound slices are perfect for siding with coffee in an afternoon tea. Well, the flavour is too heavy for me because I am not a dessert lover! The only dessert I love is probably the chiffon cake with lots of cream on top haha…

I have a bit of research about the origin of pound cake. It is believed that the pound cake is a Northern European dish, that dates back to the early 1700s. But over time the ingredients for pound cake changed.

This dessert actually refers to a type of cake traditionally made with a pound of each of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. However, any cake made with a 1:1:1:1 ratio, by weight, of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar may also be called a pound cake, as it yields the same results. Pound cakes are generally baked in either a loaf pan or a Bundt mold, and served either dusted with powdered sugar, lightly glazed, or sometimes with a coat of icing. imageimage

The Dong-Po Cubed Pork – 东坡肉

The Dong-Po Cubed Pork is a popular dish in the eastern part of China, especially in the ShangHai – HangZhou area. It is made by the cubed pork belly. The pork belly is cut thick, about 4cm square, and should consist equally of fat and lean meat. The skin is left on. The mouthfeel is oily but not greasy and the dish is fragrant with wine (Shao Xin wine). The dish is named after the famed Song Dynasty poet and gastronome Su Dong Po.image

Poached chicken with Chili sauce – 口水鸡

The poached chicken with chili sauce is one of the popular appetiser in Sichuan cuisine. The Chinese name for this dish is “口水鸡” (mouth-watering chicken). It may sound quite weird or uncomfortable, but it means a super delicious dish.  It is famous in my home town Chongqing with the name spicy chicken, but indeed it is not that spicy (well it is just looks spicy!). I would suggest that whenever you get a chance to visit an authentic Szechuan restaurant, it is worth to have a try on this dish!image

Sweet and Sour Squirrel Mandarin Fish – 糖醋鱼块

The Sweet and Sour Squirrel Mandarin Fish is actually a traditional ShangHai dish. It is famous across the Eastern China. The ShangHai cuisine is famous for the sweet and sour flavour. Therefore, sugar is a must seasoning in ShangHai families’ kitchen. This dish is not very popular in other parts of China as most Chinese actually does not like sweet and sour dishes. Spicy dishes seems more popular in China. However, this dish gives a good presentation for festivals and parties; therefore, you can find it at almost all the Chinese restaurants. Also, Chinese people like to have it on the dinner table of the new year eve, because the name of the dish has the meaning of happiness and a good fortune. And fish in Chinese normally stands for a wealthy life in the following years. Therefore, it is normal that Chinese likes to cook this dish during the spring festival.IMGP3037_meitu_6

Spicy Poached Sliced Beef – 水煮牛肉

Poached sliced beef in hot chili oil is a representative dish of poached Sichuan cuisine. The sliced beef tastes tender, smooth, strongly spicy, and oily but not greasy. It is numbing, spicy and of a hot temperature, similar to the Sichuan boiled fish. In this dish, the beef should be as tendon as the chicken meat.IMGP3036_meitu_2