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Grilled chili fish


Teriyaki Chicken


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Chicken Katsu with curry rice

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Spanish Churros

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Mushroom spicy noodle – 香菇炸酱面


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Omelet Pizza

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Eggplant box – 烤茄盒

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Traditional Japanese Guydon – 牛丼(ぎゅうどん)

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Fish flavored shredded pork – 鱼香肉丝

The fish flavored shredded pork is called “Yu Xiang Rou Si”in Chinese. It is a famous Sichuan food, and also it is said to have originated in Sichuan cuisine, but has since spread to other regional Chinese cuisines. It is called the fish flavored shredded pork, but there’s nothing regarding to fish at all. There’s no fish in this dish, and also without any seasonings relates to fish. In fact, the fish flavor comes from the Sichuan style pickled chili and pickled ginger.IMGP3176_meitu_3

The Dong-Po Cubed Pork – 东坡肉

The Dong-Po Cubed Pork is a popular dish in the eastern part of China, especially in the ShangHai – HangZhou area. It is made by the cubed pork belly. The pork belly is cut thick, about 4cm square, and should consist equally of fat and lean meat. The skin is left on. The mouthfeel is oily but not greasy and the dish is fragrant with wine (Shao Xin wine). The dish is named after the famed Song Dynasty poet and gastronome Su Dong Po.image