Omelet Pizza

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Every time when I ordered a pizza, I always make a wish for myself that one day, I must learn to make pizza by myself! But the truth is I never had a chance or say motivation to make one haha… Last week, I was having a coffee with one of my best friends, she was complaining her boyfriend’s cooking. Well to be honest, a boyfriend who can cook for you is that kinda boy you would never complain! haha…But she said her boyfriend was trying to make fry eggs with cheese on the top! Seriously!? I was laughing because he must be a special and creative cooker! But when I backed home at that day, there are many creative ideas came to my mind because of that fry egg with cheese on top! I was thinking why can’t I make a special pizza! Instead of using flour to make the pizza base, I can definitely using eggs as an alternative! and I can make it without oven! Much easier than flour based pizza I promise! And this is especially for egg lovers 😉

Referring to Pizza, this kind of Italian magic is mainly made with a baked flour base, and with a varieties of ingredients in the middle, and with a cheese and creamy top. It is baked, crunchy, creamy, and a mix of all different ingredients. I made one with an Asian flavor, so no olives, no salami, no feta cheese haha…But always feel free to creat your own flavor! Here, when you make the omelet pizza, everything is exactly the same with pizza except that you will need lots of eggs other than flour. You can always add plenty of ingredients you like in the middle. And I call it omelet pizza because the term omelet in a standard dish made from eggs, similar with today’s base.

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Omelet Pizza


For pizza base (Egg mixture)

  • 4 eggs
  • Salt as needed

Cut all the ingredients into small chunks, and if you get bacons for your pizza, cut them into small slices.

200g cheese slices


  1. Heating some cooking oil in a flat pan
  2. Add all the ingredients, fry until they are mostly cookedProcessed with VSCO with c3 preset
  3. Beating eggs and add salt to your personal flavor
  4. Gently pour the egg mixture into the pan, starting from the middle of the pan and spread to the edge. Adjust the the egg base to fit the size of the pan.Processed with VSCO with c3 preset
  5. Close the pan lid, gently fry the egg mixture with slow fire for 1 minuteProcessed with VSCO with c3 preset
  6. Evenly scatter the cheese slices on the top. Close the pan lid again, slowly fry the pizza until fully cooked.Processed with VSCO with c3 preset
  7. Cut the pizza into pieces and ready to serve! 😉 This omelet pizza can also be put into your lunch box as it is always delicious no matter it is hot or cold.

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Processed with VSCO with c3 preset

Processed with VSCO with c3 preset

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